
  • Aufrufe Aufrufe: 980
  • Letzte Aktualisierung Letzte Aktualisierung:


  • Synonyme:

    MOMONE 桃音
    Männer Magazine
    The Naughty Professor
    Twisted Tales of Tokyo (2)



    OVA, 1 episodesSecret Anima/St.Lilia Series25.01.1998TDK Core






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    Die attraktive Collegeprofessorin Momone hat Alpträume von ihrer Vergangenheit, in der sie sexuell missbraucht wurde. Auf dem Weg zum Unterricht wird sie regelmäßig von den lüsternen Blicken der Schüler verfolgt. Einer unter ihnen ist ganz besonders von Momone besessen und macht es sich zum Ziel, sie zu seiner Sexsklavin zu machen. Nach der Schule lauert er ihr auf, um seine Pläne in die Tat umzusetzen...

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    A different college professor, Momone, has disturbing dreams of sexual deviation from her youth. She brushes the memory aside and makes her way to class. Along the way, every boy eyes her and has horny thoughts about the stacked teacher. The captain of the basketball team really likes her, but his rival Hino has other plans. When Momone seizes a porn mag from some boys, Hino claims it's his, and asks if it makes her hot. Back in her apartment, Momone looks through the magazine, which does turn her on. Hino makes a grand entrance, and dominates his professor, forcing Momone to be his bitch. The next day, under instructions from Hino, Momone wears no underwear. It's part of Hino's plan to truly make Momone his own. And boy, he's not very nice about it, either!

